
CompressionInsight Featured at OSIsoft Regional Seminar - Pattern Discovery

Written by admin | Sep 23, 2011 9:10:46 PM

OSIsoft Regional Conference, Mississauga, Ontario, Sept. 27, 2011

Hulix Conseil Inc. will be presenting “Tuning PI Tags For Optimized Data Fidelity” featuring the latest product from Pattern Discovery Technologies, CompressionInsight. The product is a plug-in to the PI System and automatically makes recommendations on exception and compression settings by analyzing and optimizing the data being archived. Recommendations are made that achieve maximum data fidelity with minimum data storage.
Archived data in a PI System is a valuable resource for data driven process analyses. Exception and compression settings can have a significant impact on the results of these exercises. The presentation examines challenges and opportunities in this area as highlighted by OSIsoft customers Cascades Inc and Cardinal Creek Consulting. The presentation showcases CompressionInsight a product that can automatically evaluate and recommend appropriate settings for optimized data fidelity and system performance.

Additional OSIsoft seminar details